The Surprising 6 Ways To Get A Better Night’s Sleep

Did you know that one in three of us don’t get enough sleep? From hectic work schedules and overactive minds to bouts of stress, our sleep is usually the first thing to suffer when we’ve got a lot on our plate. Bed manufacturer Sealy UK’s Worldwide Sleep Census polled more than 15,000 respondents around the globe and discovered that 77 percent of Brits fail to wake up refreshed and well-rested each morning and that British women lose 10 days per year due to ‘sleep debt’ – the time spent lying awake when we should be sleeping. Make sure you’re not one of these statistics by adapting your diet to contain sleep-inducing foods for a perfect night’s slumber.

Choose coconut water

Try drinking a glass of pure coconut water in the evening to encourage a restful night’s sleep. “Coconut water is an excellent source of ‘electrolyte’ minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and sodium. Balanced levels of these minerals are necessary to maintain normal muscle action, nerve function and hydration in our body,” says Shona Wilkinson, nutritionist at “Deficiencies or imbalances may cause cramping and restless legs at night, which can lead to disturbed sleep.”

Change your sleep cycle with cherries

You heard it here first – cherries can help to get us in a regular sleep pattern. “Cherries have been found to contain small amounts of melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep cycles. Although all cherries may contain some melatonin, tart montmorency cherries in particular have been found in a clinical trial to increase the body’s melatonin levels and increase sleep time,” says nutritionist Cassandra Barns.

Try Turkey for a better sleep

Do you often feel sleepy after a traditional Christmas lunch? No you didn't over-do it on the sprouts, turkey is actually a sleep-promoter. “Turkey contains good levels of tryptophan, the amino acid that converts into serotonin and then melatonin in our body,” says Shona. “However, tryptophan is not the only constituent that makes turkey a sleep-inducing meat. It is also a good source of zinc and vitamin B6, co-factors that help the body to produce melatonin from tryptophan.” Although it is key to note that a large serving of meat or other high-protein food late in the evening can lead to you tossing and turning at bedtime.

Prepare yourself for a good snooze with pumpkin seeds

Add a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds to sugar-free yoghurt or a salad to give your regular meals a sleep-enhancing boost. “Pumpkin seeds are high in natural magnesium,” states Cassandra. “One of the roles of magnesium is allowing the muscle fibres in our body to relax, counteracting calcium, which causes muscles to contract. It is also thought that magnesium has a role in the normal function of the pineal gland, which produces melatonin.”

Complex carbs are key

Combat unexpected wake up calls in the middle of the night by controlling your blood sugar. “If you regularly wake in the middle of the night, especially if it’s suddenly and your head is racing, have a small snack of complex carbohydrates, such as an oatcake about an hour before bed. This will prevent your blood sugar levels from dropping during the night,” explains Dr. Marilyn Glenville, author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar .
“You may not think you need much energy while you’re asleep, but your brain and body still need glucose to keep working. If levels fall too low, this can cause the release of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which can wake you up,” describes Shona. “To avoid this, make sure you have some slow-releasing carbohydrates in the evening, such as a serving of brown rice with your evening meal.”

Feel more relaxed with fish

Another good way to help maintain melatonin levels in the bloodstream is to eat more fish. “Fish are abundant sources of vitamin b6, which produces melatonin. Try adding the likes of tuna and salmon to your diet on a regular basis, to help you get a better night’s sleep,” advises Cassandra.

VIDEO : Benefits of Massaging This Point Of Your Body for only Two Minutes a Day

When it comes to chronic conditions that imbalance the normal workings of the body, natural methods are the better solution according to many doctors. Natural methods are highly available for using without all the terrible side effects that come with prescription medication.

One natural procedure is the traditional Chinese acupressure. It works by pressing certain points on your body that lay on energy spots.
Those kind of lines run through the body and by pressing specific points in certain places, one can clear that line of any obstructions. This will enormously improve the flow of qi or chi and improve your overall health.
One type of acupressure point on the body is called LV-3 or Tai Chong. Massaging or pressing this spots with circle movements for only two minutes every day has been proven to treat a wide range of health problems.

These health problems include:

  • Anxiety, insomnia, irritability and anger
  • Diarrhea, constipation , vomiting and nausea
  • Blurred vision and painful, swollen or red eyes
  • Canker sores, dizziness and headaches
The LV-3 acupressure spot is located one cm above where the second toe and big toe meet. It should feel very soft to the touch.
All you need to do, is to carefully watch the video shown down, follow the instructions strictly.
In is short video that its effects will provide overall body health benefits. So you don’t have anything to lose.
Only less than 2 minutes, can improve your health. Also, you should change completely your life style and eat more fruits and vegetables.
We always suggest natural home remedies instead of prescription medications.

Don`t Forget To Share With Your Family And Friends.


3 Reasons why you are Inflamed

Is inflammation keeping you overweight, fatigued, and unhealthy? When we decide to start losing weight, “inflammation” rarely comes to mind. Our thinking immediately goes to one or more of the following:
  • I need to eat less, watch my calories, start eating low-fat, low-carb, etc.
  • I need to give up cokes, fast food, candy, etc.
  • I need to start exercising, doing cardio, get a gym membership, etc.
  • Diet, fat-burning pills, weight loss supplements, etc.
woman's feet on bathroom scale
Unfortunately, 95% of those things you THINK you need to do to lose weight, ends up leaving you worse than where you started.
Which means you were suffering from inflammation before, and these “weight loss tricks” left you with more inflammation and weight gain. It’s a vicious cycle. Work long hours or sleeping less than 6 hours a night? You could be causing inflammation inside of your body.
Do you have trouble finding the time to eat right, instead opting for a burger on the run or heating up a frozen dinner? You’re probably adding inflammation to your body.
Feeling like you “need a drink” after a long and stressful work day to decompress and de-stress? Well unfortunately, this could be contributing to your inflammation as well.
Years of repeating the same habits can result in consistent weight gain from constant inflammation.
Unfortunately, most of us can’t request lighter work hours, even for our own health, and sleep is a commodity that proves hard to come by in our fast-paced daily lives filled with more tasks than time to complete them.
So, what are you supposed to do?

What Is Inflammation?

While short-term inflammation is an important body process that helps us fight off infection and injuries, the chronic inflammation is known to be harmful to our health and can set the stage for obesity.
Chronic overeating, smoking, stress, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), and hypertension (high blood pressure) can flip the inflammation switch to the ‘ON’ position.

Why Does Inflammation Prevent Weight Loss?

These Poor Quality, Inflammation-Producing Habits Trigger 3 Fat-Storing Hormones

  • This chronic inflammation can cause us to become resistant to insulin (a hormone that helps control blood sugar) and leptin (a hormone involved in satiety), which in turn translates to increased appetite, weight gain, and possibly obesity.
  • Leptin regulates your body’s level of fat by controlling your appetite and metabolism. So, as you add more fat tissue, your body produces more leptin. The problem is that chronic inflammation impairs the brain’s ability to receive leptin’s appetite suppressing message.
  • Chronic stress raises cortisol for long periods of time. Cortisol, our “stress hormone” is produced by the adrenal glands, which in short-term bursts is beneficial for inflammation and weight loss. However, our body can’t tell the difference between a physical stress and a psychological stress. If you eat a donut, stress. Worry about paying your bills, stress. Don’t sleep enough, stress. All of these and more lead to chronically elevated levels of cortisol.
The solution is to stop the inflammation-weight gain cycle through dietary and exercise management. Inflammation and excess body fat create a cycle where inflammation leads to fat gain and fat gain leads to more inflammation. Losing weight is the most effective way to turn “off” the chronic inflammation switch, but significant changes need to be made.

The Hidden Cause Of Weight Gain: Inflammation

It’s vitally important you find the main source and cause of your inflammation. It’s often possible that you may have multiple causes of inflammation so the best approach to take when identifying your inflammation is to focus on the major inflammatory stressor in your life.
As mentioned before, inflammation is part of your body’s natural response to anything flagged as harmful or irritating. You want this to occur when you bang your elbow on a door or get bitten by a mosquito. In “temporary inflammation” proteins help tissues heal and repair.
You don’t want inflammation to be a constant in your life.
When you eat processed foods, food additives, chemicals, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, high-fructose corn syrup, gluten, conventional dairy, and other inflammatory foods—you create a toxic, diseased environment.
This particular environment is a fat cell’s favorite lifestyle of choice.
Fat cells promote inflammation, which leads to more fat cells, which promotes more inflammation until you are obese, borderline diabetic, and completely frustrated.

Getting rid of inflammation helps you lose fat and losing fat helps you get rid of inflammation.

How Do I Know If I Am Inflamed?

Inflammation happens every time your immune system has to fend off irritants or stressors that come into the body.
  • Bad bacteria in our food and water
  • Environmental toxins (pesticides, PCBs, and dioxins)
  • Non-food based allergens (dust mites, pollen, dander, cedar, etc.)
  • Processed/inflammatory foods (sugars, trans fat, additives, preservatives, GMOs, etc.
  • Stress, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, blood sugar instabilities, etc.
The odds are pretty high if you’re living in modern society, you endure daily triggers that cause inflammation.
Whether you are aware of it or not, your body is reacting.

Review The List Below To Determine If You Are Inflamed

  • Do you have food allergies, or do you feel poorly after eating (sluggish, headaches, congestion, brain fog, sleepy)?
  • Are you exposed to pesticides, toxic chemicals, heavy metals?
  • Do you have a history of chronic infections such as canker sores, cold sores, sinus infections, flus, and colds?
  • Do you have allergies, mucus, and phlegm?
  • Do you suffer from arthritis or painful joints?
  • Do you have stress in your life? Emotional, mental, psychological, etc.
  • Do you drink more than 3-4 alcoholic drinks per week?
  • Do you have diabetes, insulin resistance, or blood sugar issues?
  • Are you overweight, obese, or have a BMI of over 26?
  • Do you have digestive issues like colitis, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, or Leaky Gut Syndrome?
  • Do you have skin issues (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc.)?
  • Do you exercise less than 2 hours per week?
  • Do you do long bouts of cardio type exercise more than 2 times per week lasting more than 30 minutes?
  • Do you feel sluggish, unmotivated, overweight, and just plain unhappy about health?
If you answered YES to 3 or more of the questions above, the odds are pretty high you are suffering from chronic and silent inflammation.

How Do I Address Inflammation To Start Losing Weight Today?

Countless studies prove that changes in diet, lifestyle, and exercise will reduce inflammation.
The obvious first step to losing weight if you’ve been living less than an ideal sedentary lifestyle eating processed foods, yo-yo dieting, drinking, and not taking care of yourself is to lower the inflammation in your body.
To turn off the inflammation in your body, you need to send the right messages to your genes, cells, and tissues.
The biggest takeaway of this article is that food and lifestyle habits communicates with your body. Food either positively or negatively affect your weight, metabolism, and level of inflammation.
There’s a simple 4 step-process for reducing inflammation to stimulate your fat-burning metabolism and release stubborn fat caused by an inflamed (fat-storing) body.
Fortunately, this 4-step process requires very little exercise. In fact, for 21-days you’ll want to perform LESS exercise than what most so-called fitness experts would suggest.

Step 1: Eliminate Inflammatory Foods From Your Diet

The fastest way to reduce inflammation aside from eating whole, unprocessed foods (see step #2) is avoid the foods that got you into this inflammatory mess in the first place.
Inflammatory foods to avoid include gluten, soy, HFCS, sugar, and unsaturated vegetable oils.
These foods and others contribute to the majority of the inflammation in our society, especially inflammation that leads to stubborn fat.

Step 2: Add Anti-Inflammatory, Metabolism-Boosting Foods To Your Diet

pomegranatesAside from avoiding the main inflammatory foods, adding the healthiest, most powerful foods to your diet comes in at a close second. Healthy fats contribute to producing the right kinds of prostaglandins and help promote healthy cells.
Proteins lead to the production of lean muscle, which helps eliminate the hormonal effect of fat cells.
Fruits and vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties because they contain powerful bioflavonoids, carotenoids and antioxidants.
Once you choose to start eating the right foods, the next step is to learn how to create metabolism-boosting, anti-inflammatory meals, snacks, and smoothies.

Step 3: Balance Your Macro Nutrients

Balance your macro-nutrients (proteins, fats, carbs) so you stabilize blood sugar, optimize digestion, and regulate hormonal activity
This step is crucial to achieving a healthy body since it focuses on balancing the main hormones responsible for weight loss (insulin, cortisol, and leptin).
Step #3 is where most women go wrong, because of years of metabolic damage, they think they can just start “eating healthier.” Unfortunately, you need to be more aggressive in your approach if you want to lose weight.

Step 4: Exercise Smart

Not all exercises are created equal. If your exercise of choice leads to excessive cortisol secretion and muscle catabolism, then you could be adding fuel to the fire of inflammation.
The best form of exercise stimulates your fat-burning hormones like growth hormone and adrenaline and keeps your fat-storing hormones low like cortisol and estrogen.
This type of exercise is referred to as “metabolic”, since it not only burns calories during your workout, it keeps your fat-burning engines revved up all day. This is known as the “After-Burn Effect.”
The after-burn effect only happens when cortisol is kept regulated. There is a specific form of exercise you need to avoid to keep cortisol from making you store fat.
Remember, you can reverse inflammation by adjusting your diet, restarting your metabolism, exercising, and transforming your habits.
It comes to simply saying NO to certain foods, saying YES to certain foods, finding an efficient way to exercise, and transforming your lifestyle habits.
Have you noticed how certain foods affect your health and weight? Have you noticed any foods that cause you digestive distress? Please share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

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Get Rid of Pimples Naturally | How to reduce Acne with simple Tips Forever

Hello…. Are you fed up with the phrases like Get Rid of Acne Overnight, How to get rid of pimples faster? Weighed down with acne woes? Don’t get upset. You are not alone in this world. A whopping 80% of the population around the globe are affected by this inflammatory, painful, reddish skin condition.

 Have you ever thought the reason for this? No! Then just go through the article and you can understand the exact reason for your suffering.How to get rid of black heads
This time, we came up with a super solution to Get Rid of Acne Fast. Check out these simple rules to reduce your acne. Never expect single day results. Be wise & Don’t tempt for using instant result oriented advertisements. It is your beautiful face, not a laboratory to conduct experiments. Therefore, If anyone says that they can make you Get Rid of Acne in one day or one week, never trust such words. Not even a doctor can get you look fair without pimples in a day. It should be a Gradual process. So, check out the remedies to get rid of acne forever.

What Causes Acne?

We know that you have explored the internet with your questions “How to get rid of pimples fast?”, ” How to get rid of acne overnight” “how to get rid of acne scars fast”. But, have you ever searched or asked your dermatologist the “Reasons for developing Acne” and ‘How to Get Rid of Blackheads?’. To treat any disease or disorder one must know the exact cause of the occurrence. The Best way to Get rid of Acne is not expecting results faster. The complete treatment becomes easier if the cause is known. So, don’t rely on the fake tips at least in this case and spoil your skin. Just be patient and work on the cause.
ways to get rid of acne
  • The Primary reason for Acne is the Oil glands (Sebaceous Glands) on your face, back or anywhere else. When the excessive sebum combines with dead skin cells, it blocks the pores and hair follicles. Then, the microbes start developing in those clogged follicles and pores, causing a breakout.
  • Excessive exposure to the greasy cosmetics.
  • Hormonal imbalance at puberty is also the leading cause of acne. This is known as Hormonal Acne. According to a study, 90% of the whole population are prone to acne at some point in everyone’s lives.
  • Unhealthy food habits will also lead to acne.
  • Stress and Restlessness also cause acne.
  • Dandruff and other hair problems also end up in Acne.
  • Heredity.
  • Birth Control Pills. The acne developed at that time are known as Adult Acne.

Types of Acne

There are six types of acne. Some are difficult to treat than the other types.
  • Whiteheads: These are the 1st type of pimples that stay just beneath the surface of the skin.
  • Blackheads: These pimples rise above the skin’s surface and have a black tip. Get rid of Blackheads with doctor’s assistance.
  • Papules: These are small pink colour bumps. They look so tender and sensitive.
  • Pustules: These pimples reddish in colour. They have a sharp tip containing pus.
  • Nodules: These are large, painful pimples and are located deeper inside the skin.
  • Cysts: These are the deep, painful, pus-filled pimples. The cysts are the primary reason for scars. This is a Severe Acne Condition and needs treatment from the doctor.

What Can Make Acne Worse?

Even after the occurrence of acne, some people might not find it difficult to manage. But in some cases, it gets worse and makes the affected feel weird. So, just go through the list of things responsible for making the Acne worse. In the treatment of acne, Acne Antibiotics play a significant role. To reduce the microbial growth bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal medicines are helpful. So, make use of them by consulting the physician.
  • Fluctuating hormone levels in Teenage Girls or Women few days before their period starts.
  • Pressure from bike helmets, backpacks, or tight collars
  • Pollution and high humidity
  • Squeezing or picking at pimples
  • Hard scrubbing of the skin.

How to Get Rid of Acne Fast?

Do’s to cure Acne and Acne Scars:

  • Always make a rule for No makeup or Minimal Makeup.
  • Always prefer a powder makeup. Powder mineral makeup is inert and stops Microbial Growth.
  • Apply topical acne medication to the entire area, not just the zits.
  • Wash your pillow covers, Bed Sheets and phone! Dirt and bacteria may spread from your phone, pillowcase, that touches your face and clog your pores.
  • Wash your hair regularly. Dandruff and other problems may lead to pimpled face, Neck.Get rid of acne scars
  • Moisturise your face and body every day. Acne-prone skin doesn’t need moisturiser is the biggest myth. Choose a gentle, oil-free cream that hydrates without causing any irritation to your skin.
  • Stop using the Soap. Find a facial cleanser that suits your skin type personally. Do you have oily skin? Then look for a gel based cleanser. Make sure you wash your face in the morning and at night.
  • Never sleep with makeup on.
  • Always Use disposable razors to avoid the spread of infection from other pimples.
  • Eat lots of fruits and Green vegetables daily. Drink at least 5-6 litres of water per day.
  • Wear a sunscreen when you are stepping out of the home.
  • Include Anti-Oxidant rich food in your diet.

Dont’s to get rid of pimples:

  • Avoid Foundation! Your skin also needs to breathe fresh! You can use a renowned foundation (Non-Branded products might cause much harm to your body) to blend the skin tone irregularities, but please don’t spackle your naturally beautiful face with a thick blanket coat of makeup.
  • Don’t put a greenhouse on your skin! Every one of us has a standard view that plant extracts are good for our skin. But in real they are Not so! Many ingredients found in skincare and cosmetic products are complex proteins which can trigger our skin’s immune system. The results are significant allergy and irritancy! Remember, poison ivy is a botanical too!
  • Never use Toothpaste on Acne: Toothpaste is meant for teeth and not your skin. Yes ! you may feel your toothpaste have many antibacterial properties, but we can not change the truth. Your sensitive skin will be dried up with the use of Toothpaste, and the only result you can see is your damaged skin.
How to prevent Acne
  • Don’t wash your face too much. Never wash your face more than twice in a day.
  • Keep your hands away from your face (except during washing)!
  • Don’t overmedicate
  • DON’T exfoliate: A deep scrub can spread the bacteria and irritates the skin resulting in creating more breakouts. Instead, opt for an enzyme-packed, Non-Abrasive face or body wash twice a week to remove dead skin.
  • Do not depend completely on Natural Remedies for Acne. Get proper treatment Quickly from a physician.

Remedies to get rid of Zits

1.Eat Healthy to get rid of Zits:

Eating Healthy is vital To Get Rid of Acne. Does it Sound too complicated? While changing your diet may seem to be one of the most difficult things to change in your life, it’s not. The first few days you may find them the hardest, but once you start, it will be easier. You’ll start feeling more energetic, more healthy. Many skin problems including acne, will slowly disappear. Don’t Postpone. Plan your healthy diet and start immediately. Sure you will love and make many healthy recipes of your own and enjoy them to the core.
Basic tips to eat healthily:
  • Read the label on packed foods. Don’t buy anything with long ingredient lists.
  • Avoid fast food, make your healthy food.
  • Eat organic vegetables and products.
  • Avoid processed, microwavable, fast foods.
  • Include smoothies in your diet regimen.
  • Limit meat consumption entirely, if not at least Red Meat.
  • Avoid sugary drinks, including fruit juices. They contain high amounts of sugars
  • Add probiotics (good bacteria) to your diet.
  • Don’t think eating healthy, doesn’t mean eating deliciously. It’s the opposite! You can make awesome meals using healthy ingredients.
  • Eat raw, unprocessed and organic food. Drink water and green smoothies. The simple, healthy diet rule is never to eat the food that your great grandparents can not recognise.
How to Cure Pimples

2. Limit Sweeteners to get rid of Acne:

Sugar can contribute to a variety of health problems. I have heard this from many of my friends. They have noticed an increase in acne when the sugar consumption increases. Studies suggest that a low-glycemic diet will decrease acne. Sugar has not only been known to aggravate acne but also triggers it. If you have a sweet tooth, just try to limit the quantity of sugar. It’s hard to eliminate it all of a sudden. But, when you feel like having a sweet, get used to eating fruit. Avoid the artificial sweeteners altogether. Never prefer sweetening agents.
How to prevent Acne

3. Beauty sleep to prevent Acne:

There’s a reason for calling beauty sleep. Sleeping peacefully for a little longer helps to improve the glow in your face. We can not survive without sleeping and certainly, can’t function without it. Because our body depends on it, and we need it for sure. Our hormones, metabolism, stress and even acne are affected by sleep. After all, you love sleeping, and it makes something good for your body. So, make your body feel happy by having an extra sleeping hour.

4. Stay Hydrated:

Every single process in your body depends on water. Water helps to flush the wastes out of our body and makes them function well. If you want to look your best, don’t forget to drink surplus amounts of water. Water prevents your skin from dehydrating and maintains skin health. So, Never stop drinking water for longer time.


5.Detox your body:

To Get Rid of Acne along with Adding healthy things to the body flushing the waste also have equal importance. You may have lots of healthy food, but internally the toxins may stand as a barrier.
How to cure Pimples

How to Prevent Acne?

  • Always Clean skin gently: It is best to Use a mild cleanser for all the body types. Remember! Scrubbing vigorously does not stop acne. So to Get Rid of Acne clean up gently.
  • Stop Touching your skin: People who touch their skin are solely responsible for the increase of Acne. Frequent touch makes the microbes spread. Individuals who squeeze or pinch their pimples can get scars on their skin.
  • Shave carefully: Try both electric and safety razors to see which works best. Use Anti-Bacterial After shaving lotions.
  • Stay away from the sun. Many acne medicines can make people more likely to sunburn. It eventually leads to itchy irritating skin
  • Choose your makeup wisely. It is better to select oil free make up. Look for the word “noncomedogenic” on the label. It means that the makeup will not clog up your pores. But some people still get acne even if they use these products.
  • Shampoo your hair regularly to Get rid of Acne.
  • Don’t use all the Acne Home Remedies at a time. Check which suits your skin best and use only them.
So, Follow these simple steps and make your skin glow. Don’t treat the pimples harshly. Know the Causes of Acne and Handle them with utmost care. Bring out the changes in your routine and reap significant benefits. Have a happy pimple free face. All the best.

Women"s Health Tips for Heart, Mind, and Body

Looking for the path toward a healthier you? It's not hard to find. The journey begins with some simple tweaks to your lifestyle. The right diet, exercise, and stress-relief plan all play a big role.

Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet

There's an easy recipe if your goal is to keep away problems like heart disease and strokes.
  • Eat more fruits and veggies.
  • Choose whole grains. Try brown rice instead of white. Switch to whole wheat pasta.
  • Choose lean proteins like poultry, fish, beans, and legumes.
  • Cut down on processed foods, sugar, salt, and saturated fat.
When eating healthy, flexibility often works best, says Joyce Meng, MD, assistant professor at the Pat and Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center at UConn Health. If you like to follow a strict diet plan, go for it. If not, it's OK. "Find what works for you."
Tricia Montgomery, 52, the founder of K9 Fit Club, knows first-hand how the right diet and lifestyle can help. For her, choosing healthy foods and planning small, frequent meals works well. "I don't deny myself anything," she says. "I still have dessert -- key lime pie, yum! -- and I love frozen gummy bears, but moderation is key."

Exercise Every Day

The more active you are, the better, Meng says. Exercise boosts your heart health, builds muscle and bone strength, and wards off health problems.
Aim for 2 and a half hours of moderate activity, like brisk walking or dancing, every week. If you're OK with vigorous exercise, stick to 1 hour and 15 minutes a week of things like running or playing tennis. Add a couple of days of strength training, too.
If you're busy, try short bursts of activity throughout the day. Walk often. A good target is 10,000 steps a day. Take the stairs. Park your car far away from your destination.
Montgomery exercises every day, often with her dog. By adding lunges, squats, and stairs to a walk, she turns it into a power workout. "I also am a huge Pilates fan," she says.

Lose Weight

When you shed pounds you'll lower your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
Aim for a slow, steady drop. Try to lose 1-2 pounds a week by being active and eating better.
"It doesn't have to be an hour of intense exercise every day," Meng says. "Any little bit helps."
As you improve, dial up the time and how hard you work out. If you want to lose a lot of weight, try for 300 minutes of exercise a week.
"Eating a healthy diet will go a long way," Meng says. Start by cutting sugar, which she says is often hiding in plain sight -- in store-bought items like salad dressing, packaged bread, and nuts. Try to avoid soda and sugar-laced coffee drinks, too.

Visit Your Doctor

Get regular checkups. Your doctor keeps track of your medical history and can help you stay healthy. For example, if you're at risk for osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones, he may want you to get more calcium and vitamin D.
Your doctor may recommend screening tests to keep an eye on your health and catch conditions early when they're easier to treat.
Keep the lines of communication open. "If you have questions, ask your doctor," Meng says. "Make sure you understand things to your satisfaction." If you're worried about a medication or procedure, talk to him about it.

Cut Down Your stress

It can take a toll on your health. You probably can't avoid it altogether, but you can find ways to ease the impact. Don't take on too much. Try to set limits with yourself and others. It's OK to say no.
To relieve stress, try:
  • Deep breathing
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Exercise
  • Healthy eating
  • Talking to a friend, family member, or professional counselor

Create Healthy Habits

If you make the right choices today, you can ward off problems tomorrow.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss every day.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Limit your alcohol. Keep it to one drink a day.
  • If you have medication, take it exactly how your doctor prescribed it.
  • Improve your sleep. Aim for 8 hours. If you have trouble getting shut-eye, talk to your doctor.
  • Use sunscreen and stay out of the sun from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Wear your seatbelt.
Take time every day to invest in your health, Meng says.
It paid off for Montgomery. She says she overcame health problems, feels good, and has a positive outlook. "My life," she says, "is forever changed."

By Kara Mayer Robinson

WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Lisa Bernstein, MD

5 Benefits of Coconut Water You Didn’t Know About

Coconut water in fact is a clear liquid in the middle of the fruit that you can get from green, young coconuts. It is a really low-fat health drink.
Pure coconut water is a natural healthy drink with no artificial sweeteners or additives. It has low carbohydrates, 99 percent is fat-free, it isn’t contains cholesterol, and has natural healthy sugars.

It also contains B-group vitamins, ascorbic acid, molybdenum, boron, manganese, sulfur, iodine, selenium and zinc.

Here are 5 Benefits of Coconut Water that will show why it has become so popular:

  1. Immune Support

Coconut water improves your immune system and helps to strengthen your body. It’s not only antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial, but also in same time is hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic and antioxidant.
  1. Lower Bad Cholesterol

Drinking coconut water daily can decrease bad cholesterol and increase the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. It can also help remove fat buildup in the aorta, kidney, heart and liver.
  1. Compatible with Human Blood

Because of the fact that is isotonic to human plasma, coconut water can be used in dangerous emergencies to instantly rehydrate the whole human organism if administered intravenously. In the poor , third world countries is often used to save human lives.
  1. Skin Tonic

To moisturize: In coconut water soak cotton and apply it on the face. Let it stay like that until is completely absorbed. This explains why products such as lotions, conditioners, shampoos, facial creams, that contain coconut extract are more efficient.
  1. Reduces Blood Pressure

An imbalanced level of electrolytes can leads to high blood pressure. Because coconut water has an enough amount of each, it can be used as a balancing mechanism. In some cases, Doctors suggested that coconut water should be used every morning to improve the balance of these electrolytes.


12 Minutes Exercise for Perfect Thighs and Irresistible Legs

When sun and hot days arrive with spring, almost everybody around the globe begin thinking about their body shape and how to lose those extra pounds. Almost everyone knows that the most problematic areas are the parts of a woman’s body – thighs and hips which are the most problematic ones to remove their excess of inches.

If you want to get rid of the accumulated fat from the outer and inner part of your thighs, you need to do three simple changes in your lifestyle: begin doing several very effective exercises, drink large amounts of water and balance the daily intake of calories.
You don’t have to leave your home and go to the gym at all, because we will show you combination of exercises can be completed at the comfort of your own house! We guarantee you that for only 12 minutes per one day you will decrease 1 centimeter in your thighs and hips in a week! It won’t be so much easy and without effort, but your body will be very thankful definitely.
Just follow the instruction shown on this incredible video, don’t wait until summer comes, and start losing your extra wait now. You have a few months to shape your body as you always wanted and be prepared for the beach. With these exercises you will achieve your desired goals. Spend only 12 minutes per day, combined with proper diet with low calories, drink a plenty of water, minimum of 8 glasses of water and improve your lifestyle in general.
This video shows a comprehensive 12 minutes of workout which has already been proven and helped thousands of women.

Don`t Forget To Share With Your Family And Friends These Incredible Tips.


Top Home Remedies for Under Eye Dark Circles | Remove Under Eye Blemishes Naturally

A twinkle in your beautiful eyes can make your face shine like a pearl. Could you Guess what others notice about you in the very first look? Yeah! It is nothing but those Dazzling Eyes. The reason behind this is our eyes speak much better than words. So, To make your first impression the best one, keep your eyes bright and blemish Free.

Dark Circle and Puffed Eyes will convey your ill health to others. Even some of the most stunning women also have to lay money on concealers and makeup to hide their Dark Circles Under Eyes. The under-eye circles not only make you look older than what you are, but they also make you look ill and unhealthy. A good soulful sleep can reduce dark circles around eyes and Puffy eyes effectively.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?

Both Men & Women of all ages are prone to these Dark Circles Under Eyes. Nobody loves to have Black circles under their eyes. So, to avoid them in early stages check out the reasons for the Blackness around eyes. The skin under the eyes is more sensitive and fragile. The blood going in the veins nearer to the skin surface has a bluish tint. So, The skin will look darker. The Causes of Dark Circles under eyes, Eye bags are given below. Have a glance over them
  • Dehydration
  • Low Iron and Haemoglobin Levels.
  • Genetic / Heriditory Factors.
  • Insomnia ( Sleeplessness)
  • Improper Diet
  • Stress
  • Techie LifeStyle (Spending More hours with Computer, Mobiles, Laptops, etc.)
  • Prolonged Illness.
  • Mal Nutrition.
Reasons for Dark Circles Under Eyes

How to get Rid Of Dark Circles?

Before Treating Dark Circles Under Eyes, Know the Causes of Dark Circles. So that the treatment becomes easy. How to Reduce Dark Circles under Eyes? There are two ways to treat Dark Circles Under Eyes. It includes both Natural and Chemical ways. You can mask your dark eyes using many Creams and Concealers. But those methods can cause extensive damage to your Sensitive skin under your eyes. So, it is always better to prefer natural ways to treat. Of course, the natural processes may take a long time to heal, but you can save your skin from the Harsh chemicals. The home remedies are age-old methods which recover naturally without side effects. So, let us take an oath to soothe our body in an organic way. Check out the tips to Reduce Dark Circles Under yes.

1. Lemon Juice:

Most of us might love those tiny drops of Sour Lemon, Lemonade, Lemon Chicken, etc. But Do you know the fact that even your skin and hair loves the lemons too? The Lemon offers a broad range of Beauty Benefits when consumed or when applied topically. Lemon Juice is the Best of all remedies that you can use for removing the Blemish. The reason behind this is the Bleaching Property of the Lemons. The vitamin C present in Lemons nourishes and repair the skin and you get rid of of Bags under eyes.
How to Use?
  • Dip a cotton ball in fresh lemon juice and apply it carefully around your eyes. Leave it for about 20 minutes and rinse it off. Repeat this once daily for few weeks.
  • Mix Lemon Juice and Almond oil together and apply it on the Dark Circles under Eyes.
  • Add one part of lemon juice, two parts of tomato puree, a pinch of gramme flour (besan) and turmeric powder. Apply this gently around your eyes. Rinse it off with clean water after 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat this twice or thrice a week.
Note: If the lemon juice might cause a burning sensation when it touches the inner eye.

2. Castor Oil:

Castor Oil rejuvenates the dull skin and makes it look healthy. It contains fatty acids, which helps to refresh your skin. The action of the Castor Oil is due to the presence of Ricinoleic acid present in castor oil. It has anti-inflammatory properties and which likewise makes it an excellent remedy for puffy eyes along with the dark circles Under eyes. Apply the castor oil on dark circles under eyes in Bed Time and massage gently and leave it overnight. Wash it off in the morning.
top home remedies
  • Castor oil- 1 tsp
  • Fresh cream- 1 tsp
  • Mix Castor Oil with Fresh cream.
  • Wash your face with a cleansing agent.
  • Apply the mixture all around your eyes.
  • Allow to sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off with water. Repeat this Daily for best results.

3. Buttermilk:

Yes, What you have read is true. Buttermilk has the properties which reduce Dark Circles Under Eyes. It may sound a little weird. But, Buttermilk is a rich in probiotics and lactic acid. Lactic acid can shed skin to give it a radiance. The acidic and astringent properties of buttermilk can cure under eyes circles. When Buttermilk is provided in combination with turmeric, it shows anti-inflammatory nature which can also cure bags under eyes.
  • Turmeric- Just a Pinch or two.
  • Buttermilk- 2 tsp( Thick State).
  • Add Buttermilk and Turmeric into a small bowl.
  • Mix both the ingredients well.
  • Apply this paste to the affected area.
  • Leave for half an hour
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.

4. Tea Bags:

Most of us have known the fact that caffeine-containing products can treat eye problems. The antioxidants in tea bags make it an excellent remedy for treating dark circles and reducing puffiness. The caffeine content shrinks blood vessels and reduces the fluid retention in the tissues around the eyes. It contains tannins which stimulate blood circulation. Tea contains theophylline which decreases the subcutaneous fat. It contains alkaloids that promote the healthy skin growth around the eyes. Therefore, Don’t miss this super beneficial product if you are vexed trying other Dark circle removers.
tea bags


  • Tea bags
  • Hot Water


  • Hold the tea bag and dip it in the hot water.
  • Let it sit for 2-3 min in the Hot Water.
  • Remove it and drain the water completely.
  • Let in cool in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
  • Remove it and put it on the eyes for half an hour.
Note: Flavoured Tea bags are not Preferrable. You’ll witness a noticeable improvement in puffiness and under-eye circles. Be careful not to get tea in your eyes.

5. Tomatoes:

Just like Lemons tomatoes also possess Bleaching Properties. Therefore, the people who are allergic to lemons can replace them with these red fruits. Tomatoes are effective in removing dark circles, and also makes the skin soft.
Under Eye Dark circles

How to Use?

  • Mix one portion of tomato juice with half portion of lemon juice. Gently apply this mixture on the dark circles and allow it for 10 minutes. Rinse it with lukewarm water. Repeat this regularly for few weeks.
  • Drink a glass full of tomato juice with few mint leaves, lemon juice and salt. Take this juice immediately for better results. Consume it once a day for about a week
  • Blend one tomato into a fine paste. Add few drops of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder and two spoons full of Gram flour. Mix all the ingredients well. Apply the mixture on the dark circles. Leave it for around 20-30 minutes. Later wash it away with warm water. Repeat the same tip for twice or thrice a week.

6. Cold Milk:

Milk is known for its cleansing activity. It moisturises the skin and helps in rejuvenation. Vitamin D contributes to restoring the skin’s elasticity. Milk contains Retinol and B6, which play a vital role in formation new skin cells. The selenium in milk guards skin free radicals and sun damage.
Method I: (Fresh Milk)
  • Soak two cotton balls in fresh, lukewarm milk. Squeeze the excess amount and place over dark circles.
  • Leave it as such for 20 minutes.
  • Remove cotton balls and rinse with fresh water.
  • Repeat this every day regularly for better results.
Method II: (Milk + Rose Water)
  • Mix cold milk and rose water in equal amounts.
  • Soak cotton pads in the mixture and Squash the excess mixture.
  • Place them on your eyes and leave on 20 minutes.
  • Remove them and wash with cool water.

Note: Blend milk with fresh rose petals if you like.

Method III: (Raw Milk with Lemon and Honey)
Mix 1 part of the Milk with Quarter fresh lemon juice until the milk curdles. Add one spoon full of honey. Gently massage around the eyes for 5- 10 minutes. Rinse with ordinary water and Repeat daily.

7. Almond Oil:

It is a well known super easy home remedy for dark circles. Almond oil, being a rich source of nourishing vitamins, it can be used in removing Dark Circles Under Eyes. It lightens the skin. Just massage the affected areas Almond oil daily. It can reduce the occurrence of dark circles. The vitamin E in the almond oil will rejuvenate the skin, with regular use. Regular use of almond oil will also assist in reducing crow’s feet and wrinkles.

How to Use?

  • Gently massage almond oil around the eyes during nights. It gives visible results by reducing the dark circles. The blood circulation will be increased by massage, and it gives amazing results.
  • Due to dehydration, the skin becomes dry and dull. The dehydrated skin can be balanced properly by applying almond oil on the skin.
  • Mix two parts of honey and two parts of almond oil. Apply the mixture every night in the affected areas.
  • Mix Sweet almond oil with milk. Apply this to the area under the eyes. Milk gives amazing results and also provides moisture to the skin.
  • Add the almond oil to the mashed avocado mixture and blend it. Dip a cotton ball into this mix, and apply it over the closed eyes. Leave this mixture for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water after application.

8. Cucumber:

Have you ever wondered why the people in the Beaches are seen relaxing with a slice of cucumber on their eyes? Well, there’s a reason for that. They have plentiful amounts of Anti- Oxidants. Cucumber has skin-lightening and mildly astringent properties which can fix your many eye problems including Dark Circles Under Eyes. The colder the cucumber slices, the better are the results. Place the cucumber slices in the freezer for at least 30 minutes before using them. Place a cucumber over each closed eye.
How to get rid of Dark Circles
  • Cut a cucumber into thick round slices and refrigerate it for about 30 minutes.
  • Place the slices on the eyes for about 10 minutes.
  • Allow it for at least 15- 20 minutes.
  • Follow this regularly to get rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes.

9. Raw potato:

Cucumber is one we always turn to when we are waiting to reduce dark circles under the eyes, but in Spain, women turn to potatoes. It is a known fact that Spanish women are regarded as the most beautiful. According to a recent study 6 out of 10 men said they want to date a Spanish girl. So, how could we leave the Spanish beauty tips then? Come on, let us have a look
potato for reducing Dark Circles
  • Place thin slices over the eyes for around 10 minutes which lighten the skin, causing bruise-like circles to fade.
  • Grate a medium sized potato and strain it through a Muslin cloth. Collect the fresh juice from potato and apply it in the affected areas.
  • Cut the potato into thick slices. Refrigerate them for 30 minutes. Place them on your eyes and allow it to sit for 20 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water and repeat the step daily.
  • Peel and grate a potato. Add olive oil and honey in equal quantities. Blend them finely. Apply the potato mixture on the dark circles and allow to dry for 15 minutes.
  • Mix 1 portion of potato starch powder, one pinch of barley powder, and ½ of a banana until smooth. Apply to Dak circles under eyes. Leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse with fresh water.

10. Rose Water:

This essential water also helps you in treating Dark Circles under eyes. Rose Water is prepared by soaking rose petals in purified water. It has a broad range of uses. Rose water is often considered an excellent remedy for reducing dark circles. It instantly refreshes the tired eyes and also reduces puffy eyes. Rosewater soothes stressed under-eye skin and hydrates. It restores the skin’s pH balance to reduce excessive pigmentation. The anti-oxidants in rosewater strengthen and regenerate skin cells which help to remove Dark Circles Under Eyes.
Best Dark Circle Remover
How to apply?
  • Spray a mixture of fresh milk and rose water in a bowl.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the mixture.
  • Leave this for at least 10 minutes on your eyes.
  • Rinse your eyes after 20 minutes.
  • You can notice a visible change within 3 – 4 weeks and get rid of Black circles.

Other Useful Tips to Reduce Dark Circles Under Eyes:

Apart from these home Remedies, personal care is vital. Things to avoid Dark circles are listed below. Just follow them if necessary.
  • Never go to bed with your eye makeup on.
  • Always use a good eye makeup remover.
  • If you work on the computer/ Laptop, just look away from the screen every 20 minutes. It gives relaxation to your eyes.
  • Splash cold water on your eyes. It helps in relieving the tension and stress.
  • Never wear contact lenses for prolonged hours at a stretch.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes.
  • Eye exercises also help to relieve stress.
  • Maintain at least 6 feet distance from TV.
  • Eat foods that improve eyesight. Vitamin A is good for eye health and vision.
  • Wear UV protectant sunglasses.
  • Never look at the bright light directly.
  • You need to drink at least 15 glasses of water per day
  • Healthy Sleep is essential. Our body needs a good sleep for about 7 to 9 hours per day. Lack of sleep is the primary cause of dark circles.
  • Avoid drinking and smoking to prevent under dark eye circles.
  • Do not use too much makeup or chemical bleaching around the eye area.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Consume Vitamin B, E and iron regularly. Consuming Vitamin E will help in reducing dark circles.
  • Vitamin C plays a critical role in improving skin health. If you do not add enough vitamin C in your diet, you will be at a risk of having unhealthy Body. If it is regularly used, you can see a fresh glow on your skin every day. Add oranges, lemon or grapefruits also to your daily diet.


Therefore, Adopt any of the above mentioned top 10 Home Remedies in your routine. These DIY methods are very simple and consume less time. To see a great result, it takes some time. But never give up. Remember, Rome is not Built in a Day! So, be patient and you can see the best results without spending a single penny on costly cosmetics. All the Best.

Workout mistakes should be avoided for better results.

 Everyone of us , wants fast visible results , and this is first common mistake . Achieving your goals wont be so easy and fast , and this is a long-term process. We want nice shaped body and to be in fit , and we should avoid this mistakes.

  1. You exercise without enough water in you body

This is most important rule that you should follow. Scientists and bodybuilding trainers often say that is crucial to drink minimum of 8 glasses of water per one day. But , when it comes for training this is more than important. There is no one cell in our body that doesn’t contain water, and without water results wont be visible. So , you see now how important is to drink water
  1. High-intensity workout

A lot of beginners make this crucial mistake. They think fast and exhausting exercises of half an hour will make incredible results. Wrong ! You must workout properly for visible results. You should train and make pauses between exercises or even series . You should breathe slow and properly.
  1. Distracting focus

While you are in gym or work at home , try to avoid things that distract you. Maybe reading some magazines can be motivating for you, bur reading or watching TV while you exercise wont be productive for you. You concentrate on that magazine and forget to train properly. Listen to some music.
  1. You don’t like your workout.

You must think positively when you go to gym. If you hate your training sessions results wont be achieved. Just like it and think why you started.
  1. You ignore strength exercises

When you are on training sessions , you should never avoid strength training. They can boost your body power and will give you energy for a whole week.

We hope you like this tips for avoiding this common workout mistakes.

How to Do 3-Day Complete Body Sugar Detox, Lose Weight and Improve Your Health

Extra pounds to your weight are not only caused from fats and carbohydrates and fats. Sugar is a great wrongdoer as well.
If you intake sugar in normal amounts, you are not at risk, but people consume a lot of sugar without even knowing it. Sugar is added in plenty of drinks and foods and drinks, such as candies, salad dressings, pouch juices, sodas, oatmeal, etc.

Sugar is part of some foods such as, bananas, mangos, raisins, pure fruit juice, which are simple carbohydrates.
When your body has an excess sugar , a lot of symptoms happen, such as, sleepiness, mental disorientation, sinus or cold issues, headaches, depression, yeast infections, fatigue and hyperactivity.
Other problems with excess sugar are heart disease, higher risk for diabetes, cancer development, especially breast cancer.

How sugar consumption and weight gain are connected?

When we intake large amount of sugar, the body uses as much as it needs to transform it into energy, and the rest that is not needed is stored in the organism as fat.
Processed sugar is not same as natural sugar. It gets directly into intestines and the body reacts to it as intestinal bacteria and expand the levels of blood sugar. At the end, this is transformed to fat which is visible in the thighs, hips and waist.

Say NO to Sugar

Although it seems unimaginable, you can stop intake. If you do so, you will go through regular withdrawal symptoms of any addiction, such as cravings, fatigue, headaches and sadness.
Sugar cravings happen after a meal is digested and your body transmits signals to the brain that it is hungry again. That is when you have a big desire for sweet dessert.
You should avoid it and don’t eat any processed sugar. In the beginning you can try only small amount of sugar, because your body will ask for more sugar. Stop using one processed sugar product at time.
At first you will experience cravings and feel bad, but after some time you will feel very better and your health will be improved.
This article gives you a 3 day diet plan that does miracles:

1st day:

Breakfast: 1 cup of oats with berries and seeds/almonds/or 3 eggs (boiled or scrambled).
Morning snack: 1 normal size bowl of nuts.
Lunch: Chicken breast with cooked butternut almonds, beans, parsnips, beets, carrots and squash.
Dinner: Salmon with fried mushrooms and broccoli or broiled fish with one medium size bowl of green beans.

2nd day

Breakfast: One cup of steel-cut oats plus berries and seeds or almonds or 3 scrambled eggs with addition of spinach.
Mid-morning snack: a medium size bowl of nuts.
Lunch: Grilled zucchini with lemon and yellow and red peppers, thyme and vinegar dressing or a shredded read and green cabbage salad plus shredded carrots with salt, lemon and olive oil dressing, garnished with chopped parsley.
Dinner: steamed green vegetables plus a vegetable casserole and perfect bean soup or baked cod and roasted turnips and Brussels sprouts.

3rd day

Breakfast: One normal cup of steel cut oats plus berries and almonds or seeds /a 3 scrambled eggs with sautéed kale and shrimp, walnut and radish salad.
Mid-morning snack: 1 medium size bowl of nuts.
Lunch: Roasted chicken thighs with incredible flavoring rosemary, sage and lemon or oven roasted chicken with thyme, black olives and onion.
Dinner: mushrooms with garlic broth, bay leaves , thyme, celery, carrots and onion or penne pasta (with brown rice) with a meat tomato sauce, basil and mushrooms.

Sugar Detox Drinks

Instead of unhealthy sugary drinks, drink these detox waters and hot drinks. They will help you to improve the work of your metabolism.
Detox water: chop one of these: oranges, strawberries, blueberries or grapefruits, including some fresh mint or rosemary. Add them to a glass jar with water. Store it in a fridge and drink it daily.
Tea: consume unsweetened green or herbal tea 3 times per day.
Coffee: you should avoid drinking more than 1 cup of black coffee without sugar per day.
This diet plan is proved to calm sugar cravings, so don’t wait to try it.


How to Lose Belly Fat | Fatest ways to get Flatter Stomach

>There are many inefficient and dangerous gimmicks about how to lose belly fat fast. Since there is no “magic bullet” that will particularly focus on abdominal fat, this article will help you what causes an expanding waistline and how you can make that spare tire go away. Even people who have flat abs has some belly fat. But excessive amount of belly fat can affect your health in many ways that other fat doesn’t. In our body, some fat is right under the skin that helps insulate the body, and deeper fat (visceral fat) surrounds and protect organs like heart, lungs, liver.

The excess amount of visceral fat may be the bigger problem even for thin people. Check the food and ab workouts to lose belly fat.
The visceral fat is associated with increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. Overweight doesn’t necessarily equal unhealthy. There are plenty of people who are overweight but with excellent health. It normal that you’re supposed to have belly fat. But just how much fat you have and how it is distributed has more to do with genetics than your workouts. Let us check the tips and tricks to lose belly fat from the following sections.

How to Lose Stomach Fat – Tips & Tricks

The body structure and capacity to bottle up fat are different for Men and women. On average, women have 6% to – 11% more body fat than men, typically gathered around the hips and thighs. On the other hand, men tend to accumulate fat around the belly. The women’s body likes to hold on to fat due to the hormone oestrogen. A recent survey on obesity shows that women store fat more efficiently than men to prepare the body for pregnancy.
Everyone loves to fit into the slim jeans. But, due to the excess baggage around their waistline it difficult to wear the jeans. If you are also a victim of unwanted fat deposits around your waist, then you need not worry about it anymore. Let’s Fight together to get rid of Belly Fat. The following are some of the belly-flattening tricks that have been suggested by experienced nutrition and health experts to slim your tummy size to size zero. These belly-flattering tips & tricks will help you to wear quickly those slim fit jeans that you always wanted to wear.
If you are trying to lose your Belly fat, try these expert tricks.

1. Best Time to Eat

Eat during the Magic Hours, many nutrition and well-being experts suggest that the timing of the meal is the key to maintaining good health. Make sure that you eat the protein snack every single day. Let’s check the best time to eat to lose belly fat.
  • Make sure you have rich protein in your breakfast.
  • Have breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up.
  • The Ideal time for breakfast is 7 am.
  • Do not take breakfast after 10 am.
  • The Ideal time for lunch is around 12.45 pm.
  • Try and keep a break of 4 hours between your breakfast and lunch.
  • Do not take breakfast after 4 pm.
  • The Ideal time for dinner is before 7 pm.
  • Try and keep a gap of 3 hours between your dinner and bedtime.
  • Do not take dinner later than 10 pm.

2. Get enough Sleep

Adults require six to eight hours of sleep every night. If you’re staying up late on and not meeting that minimum, which can cause your body to panic and start overproducing hormones like cortisol. The right amount of sleep every night will help your body and metabolism will stay regulated keeping you and your tummy on point. Research indicates that the secretion of cortisol is correlated with an increase in belly fat. Getting enough sleep is the right weapon to get rid of belly fat fast.
  • Take time to relax. Even if it’s only 15 to 20 minutes on your lunch break, find a chance to close your eyes simply, breathe deeply, and forget your worries.
  • Keep your workspace and bedroom separate. Settle for leaving your worries behind as soon as you step into your room.
  • Keep anything that stresses you away from where you sleep as much as is practically possible.

3. Exercise to get flat Abs

Aim to take 10K steps a day. Get a pedometer and try to increase the number of steps you take daily. Are you worried about how to lose weight and belly fat fast? The simple solution is to take a walk instead of driving and get on stairs instead of elevators. Stand up and walk for 25 to 30 steps every 30 minutes. The Health experts say if you’re trying to flatten your tummy, one of the most effective methods is interval training. The Interval training incorporating short bursts of high-intensity burnouts like running, squats, whatever. Check the stomach exercises or stomach workouts to get the flat stomach.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

When you’re on a diet consuming lots of water is a good thing, as it fills your stomach but also helps flush your body of toxins. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning, with every meal and snack and last thing at night, too. So don’t forget to fill up on high fibre foods such as potatoes with the skin on, brown bread and brown rice and pasta.
Water is the principal chemical component of the body and makes up about 60 percent of the total body weight. The Lack of water can lead to dehydration. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired. The experts suggest to Drink eight glasses of H2O daily will help your body run more efficiently, making your workouts and healthy eating efforts way more efficient. Plus, the more water you drink, the more excess you’ll flush out, so you wind up de-bloating as a result.

5. Chill Out

Stress is one of the top belly fat building offenders. When your body senses you’re overwhelmed, it automatically starts producing cortisol — a hormone has been proven to eff with your body chemistry and stimulate extra fat storage in your gut. Yeah, sucks. When you’re feeling worked up, close your eyes and take long, deep breaths for about five minutes. You’ll immediately start to feel more relaxed, which should calm those hormones down and mix that belly sabotage.

6. Eat Every 3- Hours

You might think skipping of lunch will save calories and trim your tummy, but you’re stepping towards the opposite. Going long periods of time without eating can lead your body into starvation mode, which piles everything you’ve already eaten in the form of fat. Have you ever guess where that fat clumps on first in your body? That is midsection such as waist and hips. Experts suggest that having a small amount of meal or snack every three hours will keep your body fueled and in prime calorie-torching mode all day.

7. Laughter Yoga to lose belly fat

Yoga to get rid of belly fat
A recent survey on laughter state that an hour of intensive laugh burns off around 100 calories, the equivalent of a small bag of potato chips or the little bar of chocolates. Laughing Yoga is one of the best natural remedies that you can think of to strengthen your abs.
  • Laughing out loud will help in strengthening your abs and will contribute to tone your abs.
  • Laughing also makes the chest rise and fall, which in turn means that stomach muscles have to work harder, which can help to tighten them.

8. Control Sugar intake

If you would like to maintain Flat belly, then you need to avoid the sugar intake totally. Make sure that you eat as low as zero gms of sugar as possible to get rid of belly fat easily. This will help you to keep your insulin levels low.
Reduce Sugar Intake to get rid of belly fat
  • Reducing the sugar intake will help you to increase the glucagon which helps you to maintain a flat belly.
  • Make sure that you keep your insulin levels low.

9. Avoid too Much Salt

The problem is that salt is appetising, like sugar. Health experts suggest that too much salt is a bad thing. Healthy food can be a bit bland but before you add the salt for a flavour boost, remember that just a sprinkle encourages the body to hold on to water and bloat. Too much salt makes cells attract water like a sponge. For a ‘healthy’ lunch that’s a whole lot of the white stuff. Take healthy, low-sodium diet, which uses spices and herbs to make your dinner more enjoyable instead of a lot of salts.

10. Switch to Whole Grains

In a scientific study, people who ate all whole grains lost more belly fat than refined grains. Whole Grains melt fat, A diet rich in whole grains changes the insulin and glucose response in your body to tear the melting of fat, and visceral fat. Avoid white foods as much as possible to get the flat belly. For instance, take brown wheat bread instead of over-processed white bread, and favour wild brown rice over white rice.

11. Load Up on Greens to get Falt Belly

Eating more vegetables can help you slim down because greens are low in calories and high in fibre. In fact, Harvard University ranked vegetables as No. 1 food to eat for weight loss. The Vegetables like lettuce, kale, and broccoli practically calorie-free, they’re also full of vitamins and are super filling. Munching on Greens at lunchtime or for a snack will make you less likely to eat something naughty, and belly fat was inducing later on.

12. Chew your Food

Research shows that eating slowly can help you to consume less to avoid weight gain or even lose weight. The longer you chewing the food, the more time it will take you to finish a meal. The Calory consumption can be reduced by eating your food twice as long as you normally. One of the mantras that will aid you to reduce your belly fat and bloating is to keep chewing your food in your mouth for a long time.
  • Never swallow your food as this will increase your intake like anything.

13. Avoid food before Bed Snack

While you’re sleeping, your body burns current fat storages for fuel as opposed to whatever you ate as a midnight snack. Make sure to fill up at dinner every night, and then banish yourself from the kitchen at least two hours before bed.

Eat This and Get Rid of Belly Fat

Let us have a look at the ab diet to lose belly fat. Check the fat burning foods to get rid of stomach fat.
  1. Oatmeal.
  2. Almonds and Other Nuts.
  3. Protein Powder.
  4. Olive Oil.
  5. Berries.
  6. Eggs.
  7. Beans and Legumes.
  8. Lean Meats and Fish.
  9. Whole Grains.
  10. Green Vegetables.
The following foods will help you to lose belly fat and enjoy the flat abs.