I bet you have heard this over the years, “Careful with that, you’ll give yourself a hernia.” Usually in reference to someone lifting something particularly heavy to move.
This is a common misconception about the root cause of hernias. They are not caused by the weight of something or how incorrectly it is maneuvered, but rather the years of wrong lifestyle choices that lead you there. The countless actions which create an internal environment for the hernia to blow out.
The real reason for inguinal hernia is due to a colon that is compacted over many years of eating unhealthy food and living an unhealthy lifestyle. Constipation is common with people having inguinal hernia as constant and frequent forcing of bowel movements can set up the abdominals, causing them to bulge.
A hernia occurs when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. Hernias are more common in the abdomen, but they can also appear in the upper thigh, belly button, and groin areas.
The best way NOT to have a hernia surgery is of course to prevent it in the first place. By avoiding the many causes mentioned above, you can prevent hernia from occurring, or from becoming worse.
Dr David Christopher, a renowned herbalist, says the real reason for inguinal hernia is that the colon is full of too much crap and the impacted colon is pushing on a weak muscle which bulges out. The colon needs to be cleaned out. Surgery definitely does not clean out the colon but is merely just masking the symptoms. Diet is key, to eliminate all of the fecal matter from the colon that is pressing on the weak muscle.
In order to get rid of inguinal hernia, there has to be a total change of dietary and lifestyle, bearing in mind the causes of hernia mentioned above. Other tips:
This is a common misconception about the root cause of hernias. They are not caused by the weight of something or how incorrectly it is maneuvered, but rather the years of wrong lifestyle choices that lead you there. The countless actions which create an internal environment for the hernia to blow out.
The real reason for inguinal hernia is due to a colon that is compacted over many years of eating unhealthy food and living an unhealthy lifestyle. Constipation is common with people having inguinal hernia as constant and frequent forcing of bowel movements can set up the abdominals, causing them to bulge.
What Is Inguinal Hernia
There are many types of hernia and inguinal hernia is the most common type and that occurs mostly with adult men. Inguinal hernias are located in the lower abdomen just above the leg crease, near or adjacent to the pubic area. This is not to be mistaken with femoral hernia that is more common in women but can also occur in men. Both are groin hernias.A hernia occurs when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. Hernias are more common in the abdomen, but they can also appear in the upper thigh, belly button, and groin areas.
Possible Causes Of Inguinal Hernia
Mechanical Causes
- Acute constipation
- Chronic constipation
- Straining bowel movements
- Forcing out abdominal gas
- Lifting heavy objects incorrectly and without proper support
- Excessive sports
- Sedentary lifestyle and too little exercise, especially that which strengthens the abdominal and lower back muscles
- Violent sneezing
- Chronic coughing
- Over-eating
- Long-distance bicycling, and swimming
- Marathoning
- Wearing a waist belt too tight
- Any mechanical movement or posture which exerts stress on the abdominal floor
Chemical Causes
- Chemical contamination of the hernia site tissues in the form of environmental pollution, chemical poisons, food toxins
- Pathogenic micro-organisms that are attracted to the degraded bioterrain
- Constipating foods which slow down the transit time throughout the GI tract
- Foods that trigger an allergic reaction, inflammation, or other type of hyper-reactivity
- Alcohol
- Smoking
- Recreational drugs
- Various prescription drugs which weaken the digestive system
- Taking too many nutritional supplements which compromise the digestive process
- Too much red meat and/or other animal food products
- Too much frozen, canned and/or junk food
- Too much mucus-producing food such as dairy, wheat, sugar, and caffeine
- Too much ice water and/or other cold beverages, especially artificially sweetened sodas
Emotional Stresses
- The feeling of being overburdened over the long term
- Undergoing prolonged stress with no sign of relenting
- Challenges of dealing with a broken relationship
- Facing the prospect of losing a job and/or becoming unemployed
- Confronting financial difficulties and feeling burdened by debts
- Loss of a home or other major property
- Crushing responsibilities at home or work
- Being weighed down by an obstacle(s) which cannot be overcome
- Overly preoccupied with a medical condition or health crisis
Electro-Pollution And Radiation Causes
There are numerous facets of both electro-pollution and radiation throughout an individual’s environment and in their geographic area that they live, work and play. They can increase your likelihood of developing a hernia.How To Prevent A Hernia From Getting Worse
An inguinal hernia can develop into a serious medical condition that may require immediate surgery, especially when the intestinal tract is strangulated. The most common answer is surgery. Although surgical interventions are often successful, there is no guarantee that the hernia will not recur unless there is a dietary and lifestyle change.The best way NOT to have a hernia surgery is of course to prevent it in the first place. By avoiding the many causes mentioned above, you can prevent hernia from occurring, or from becoming worse.
Dr David Christopher, a renowned herbalist, says the real reason for inguinal hernia is that the colon is full of too much crap and the impacted colon is pushing on a weak muscle which bulges out. The colon needs to be cleaned out. Surgery definitely does not clean out the colon but is merely just masking the symptoms. Diet is key, to eliminate all of the fecal matter from the colon that is pressing on the weak muscle.
In order to get rid of inguinal hernia, there has to be a total change of dietary and lifestyle, bearing in mind the causes of hernia mentioned above. Other tips:
- Most importantly and this is worth repeating, eliminate all fecal matters from the colon.
- Understand how to care for your gastrointestinal health. 16 tips on how to do that here.
- Practice these six basic rules to amazing health.
- Lose weight, if you are overweight.
- Totally avoid eating all processed/junk food and reduce on meat consumption.
- Also eliminate high and fatty foods, dairy, flour and sugar products.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber and enzymes to improve regularity.
- Include these gut-healthy foods in your diet every day.
- To accelerate the healing process, a juice fast might also be beneficial.
- Understand the damages of stress, and reduce stress with these ten tips.