If You’ve Ever Woken Up Unable To Move, THIS Is What’s Happening To You…

If You’ve Ever Woken Up Unable To Move, THIS Is What’s Happening To You…
People who have experienced this unpleasant sleep paralysis know how frightening that feeling is. They feel that someone held them down after just waking up or going to bed.

 They can not scream or move, and in same time it looks like that someone or something is in the room. They feel truly awake but can not believe what is happening to them.
Really, sleep paralysis is a biological action and it should not concern you. It is a reaction in the brain’s chemical matter as you progress from sleep to vigilance.

If you are handling with repeating sleep paralysis, it can usually be avoided by choosing better lifestyle alternative, even though new habits can take more time.

What causes sleep paralysis?

The main cause is REM (rapid eye movement) atonia. Atonia means deficiency of muscle tension.

REM atonia is crucial for healthy sleep. When you fall asleep every night, the electrical nerve impulses are detached between your brain and your muscles. The brain is still giving orders to your body to do some things, but the body can not react and respond.
Sleep paralysis occurs when waking up and the REM atonia stay in place, though for an only several seconds.

How to wake up from sleep paralysis?

Some of the next strategies may work for you, while others won’t.
  • Try to relax and calm when the paralysis occurs because fighting it vigorously will make you panic and it will raise the chance of experiencing terrifying hallucinations.
  • Try to shake your toes and fingers lightly. It will immediately send signals to your brain that your body is not at sleep condition and awake and this should stop atonia.
  • Slowly move your eyes and blink few times. Look everywhere in the room. The point is to awake your body and brain.
  • Move your facial muscles and lips.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly.
  • Try to focus on positive and calm thoughts, such as a mountain views, beach with sun, or you sing some cheerful song in your mind.
  • Scrunch up your face like you’ve just smelled some bad odor. Repeat this 2 or 3 times in a row and the paralysis will stop immediately.
After waking up from bed, get up and turn on the light. Next, with cold water wash your face. If you decide to stay in bed, the chance of experience again this unpleasant sleep paralysis is very high.

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